Tag Archives: Dr. Samuel D. Gruber

2014 PACNY Award Features Part 4 – Babcock-Shattuck House, Samuel D. Gruber, Ph.D. And The Kallet Theater & Conference Center

2014 PACNY Award Feature #10 – Samuel D. Gruber Ph.D.

1907657_744372565585534_5974479829539936295_nPACNY is pleased to present the Jasena R. Foley Public Education Award to Dr. Samuel D. Gruber for his ongoing, sustained leadership and contribution to education, promotion, and advocacy of historic preservation in Central New York over the last 20 years.

Dr. Gruber has consistently raised his voice in support of efforts to preserve vital elements of the region’s built environment and is one of the most visible advocates for the historic preservation movement in Central New York. In addition, Dr. Gruber has been an outstanding public educator about historic buildings, neighborhoods, and artistic treasures in the area. Dr. Gruber regularly hosts walking tours of historic neighborhoods such as Westcott, the Valley, and West Onondaga Street.

He consistently volunteers to provide lectures to many local community groups and serves as a contact to the media for local history and historic preservation issues. Through these efforts, he has helped to promote a genuine appreciation for the built environment that surrounds us as well as the importance of protecting historic resources throughout the community.

2014 PACNY Award Feature #11 – Babcock-Shattuck House – Exterior Restoration

1609917_744830635539727_4843566321857572884_nPACNY is pleased to present the Pat Earle Award, for an outstanding historic preservation project that benefits the community, to the University Neighborhood Preservation Association, Home Headquarters, Crawford & Stearns Architects and Preservation Planners, and CNY Builder Services for the exterior restoration of the Babcock-Shattuck House in Syracuse.

Additional project partners include the Preservation League of New York State, and the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation. This award recognizes that not only is the project an outstanding example of the preservation and restoration of a historic property, but also the profound impact and transformative potential that this project represents for the larger University/Westcott neighborhood. The Babcock-Shattuck House sits at an important crossroads in the eastern side of Syracuse and serves as a visible and prominent gateway to this neighborhood.

The successful completion of the exterior restoration of the Babcock-Shattuck House also demonstrates the potential for positive outcomes when the community unites to achieve a common vision. This award recognizes and celebrates nearly two decades of advocacy and dedication by many community volunteers and organizations to restore this significant landmark.

2014 PACNY Award Feature #12 – Kallet Theater and Conference Center

PACNY is pleased to present the Pat Earle Award, for a singular outstanding historic preservation project that benefits the community, to Vince Lobdell, the Village of Pulaski, and the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board for the restoration of the Kallet Theater. Project funding sources include New York State’s Restore NY and NY Main Street Grant Programs, and National Grid’s Main Street Grant Program.

Restoration of the Kallet Theater was identified in the 2009 Village Comprehensive Plan as a potential catalytic rehabilitation project for the Village of Pulaski. The theater is a striking example of an Art Deco building that, by the first decade of the 21st century, was sadly deteriorated, in use as an auto parts store, and facing demolition. Because of the determination and commitment of the developer, project partners, and funding entities, this 1938 gem of a theater has been returned to service as a home for the arts in Pulaski.

Congratulations for recognizing the potential value of this outstanding historic property and revitalizing it to serve as a community resource.

PACNY 2014 Awards Ceremony – Thursday, May 22, 2014 – List Of Awardees

Update: 17 May 2014 – Thank you for all of your support for the 2014 PACNY Awards Ceremony! The event is officially full. We cannot wait to share this evening with you. For those who couldn’t get a spot – we will see you next year. Or better yet – we will see you soon at one of our other events this year!

Please join us as we honor those advocates who have made significant contributions to the preservation of Central New York’s historic resources. We are very excited to celebrate the wonderful preservation stories of this past year and hope you will join us in supporting this cause. This year’s ceremony will recognize the following awardees:

* Dr. Samuel D. Gruber
* Babcock-Shattuck House
* Kallet Theatre and Conference Center
* Gary Wright
* The Pike Block
* Downtown Committee of Syracuse, Inc.
* Kate Auwaerter
* St. Patrick’s Lofts
* Stevedore Lofts
* Karen Howe
* Laci’s Tapas Bar
* Sheldon Hall

Event Details

6:00 p.m. Thursday, May 22, 2014
High Peaks Club, State Tower Building, 109 South Warren St., Syracuse, NY
RSVP by May 16th via: email@pacny.net or by phone: (315) 214-6439


Since 1972, the Preservation Association of Central New York (PACNY) has presented annual historic preservation awards to recognize owners, builders, artisans, designers, educators and activists who work to renew the beauty and utility of some of the region’s most distinctive architectural and notable historic sites. PACNY awards celebrate the success of preservation and its role in the economic, social, and cultural vitality of Central New York.