PACNY Membership Renewal Announcement For 2015

On behalf of your Board of Directors, we hope that you will renew your PACNY membership for another year.

2014 has been a busy and successful year for PACNY. We spent the year celebrating and honoring historic preservation in Central New York. Among our memorable events were the annual awards ceremony in May 22 at the High Peaks Club (on the top floor of Syracuse’s State Tower) and our 40th Anniversary Celebration at the Palace Theater in December.


Our discussion panel at our 40th Anniversary Celebration.

PACNY is an all-volunteer organization and getting the word out about our events and activities can be challenging. We hope that you regularly visit our website at and follow us on Facebook to keep track of our efforts, activities, and events.

Having a strong membership base is critical to supporting PACNY’s mission of preserving our architectural heritage in Central New York. Renewing your membership is easy – you can go to our website at or complete and return the attached membership renewal form. Don’t forget that your membership dues are tax deductible.

Your involvement is important to preservation here in Central New York. Thank you in advance for your continued support for PACNY.

PACNY Membership Committee

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