PACNY is pleased to promote the Syracuse participants of the third annual Sacred Sites Open House this coming weekend (May 18th-19th), including Church Of The Savior (437 James Street), First English Lutheran Church (501 James Street), and Temple Concord (910 Madison Street), which also serves as the location of the PACNY Awards Celebration on the 19th at 2:00 p.m. for those unfamiliar with the New York Landmarks Conservancy:
At the front lines of advocacy, the rooftops of sacred spaces, and the stoops of brownstones, the Conservancy works in many directions on behalf of New York’s architectural heritage. The Conservancy’s programs demonstrate that hands-on help for building owners is the key to successful preservation. By providing technical advice, financial aid, and education, the Conservancy contributes to economic revitalization of the City’s neighborhoods and aesthetic rehabilitation of its much-loved older buildings.
The Conservancy is nationally and internationally recognized as a vocal and forward-thinking leader in the preservation movement. Its work ensures that the landmarks of New York—homes and schools, businesses and cultural institutions, theaters and houses of worship—will serve its citizens for generations to come.
The Syracuse flyer for the weekend is available below. To see the full-size version of the announcement, click on the flyer image.