Some of the attending at the 2015 PACNY Annual Meeting.
The Preservation Association of Central New York (PACNY) held its Annual Members Meeting on Sunday, January 25, 2015 at the Barnes-Hiscock Mansion in Syracuse. The event was well attended (over 50 members were present). PACNY President Murray Gould provided remarks that included a review of PACNY’s events and activities in 2014 followed by announcements of our goals and initiatives for 2015. We are pleased to announce that our Annual Theme for 2015 will be “Celebrating Central New York”, which references PACNY’s expanded mission to support preservation advocacy in the five-county region, including Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga, and Oswego Counties. In addition, PACNY is exploring strategies to increase our funding and revenue streams to support our goal of retaining an Executive Director to better deliver our mission.

Ruth Pierpont presenting to attendees.
The keynote address was provided by Ms. Ruth Pierpont, the Deputy Commissioner of the New York State Historic Preservation Office. Ms. Pierpont’s presentation was an interesting and engaging summary of SHPO’s recent activities and initiatives throughout the state (including Central New York). The Deputy Commissioner also provided to PACNY a thoughtful Certificate of Merit in recognition of our recent 40th Anniversary in 2014.
In addition, at the Annual Meeting the members in attendance elected our new Officers and Board of Directors.
PACNY’s Officers for 2015-2016:
* Murray Gould, President (Port City Preservation, LLC)
* Patrick Heaton, Vice-President (Environmental Design & Research, D.P.C.)
* Andrew D’Agostino, Treasurer (The Community Preservation Corporation)
* Margaret Sithole, Secretary (Empire State College)
PACNY’s Board of Directors for 2015:
* John Auwaerter (SUNY-Environmental Science & Forestry)
* Dean Biancavilla (Holmes – King – Kallquist & Associates, Architects)
* Mary Duffin (Jamesville-Dewitt Central School District)
* Barton Feinberg (Sutton Real Estate Company, LLC)
* Julie Gedro (Empire State College)
* Jeanie Gleisner (Central New York Regional Planning & Development Board)
* Michael Long (Finger Lakes Planning & Development)
* Patricia O’Reilly (New York State Homes & Community Renewal)
* Nicholas Petragnani, Jr. (The Community Preservation Corporation)
* Bruce Poushter (Sugarman Law Firm)
PACNY would also like to thank the following former Board members whose terms expired this year for their dedication and service to the organization:
* Elizabeth Crawford (Crawford & Stearns Architects & Preservation Planners)
* Bruce Harvey (Harvey Research & Consulting)
* Tom Magnarelli (CuseTonight)
* Michael Stanton (National Grid)

The meeting after the meeting at the Barnes-Hiscock Mansion.
PACNY’s new Board of Directors looks forward to continuing to serve our membership and the community by advocating for the preservation of our region’s historic resources.