Pursuant to Section 3.04 of our By-Laws, you are hereby notified that the Preservation Association of Central New York (PACNY) will hold the Annual Meeting of its members on Sunday, March 6, 2016 at 2:00PM at the Barnes Mansion, 930 James Street, Syracuse, New York (google map below).
The business portion of our Annual Meeting will include a report on the affairs of PACNY by Board President Murray F. Gould.
As a membership organization, you elect the Officers and the Board of Directors to manage the affairs of the organization. Presented for your consideration are the names of seven (7) individuals to serve on your Board. The election of these candidates will take place at our meeting.
PACNY is pleased to have as our keynote speaker Sean Kirst, former columnist for The Post-Standard.
A reception will follow our business meeting.
John Auwaerter