Category Archives: Events

PACNY Tour Of The Willard Chapel In Auburn, NY – Sunday, October 18, 2015, 2 – 4 p.m.

PACNY is sponsoring a tour of the Willard Chapel in Auburn on Sunday, October 18, 2015 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.. The tour will end with a reception and refreshments. The Willard Chapel was built in 1892-1894. The interior of the Chapel was designed and handcrafted entirely by Tiffany Glass and Decorating Company of New York City and is the only complete and unaltered Tiffany designed religion interior known to exist in the world. Admission is $10.00 for members and $15.00 for non-members. Please RSVP to by October 16, 2015.


The Willard Chapel. Photo by Jack Kidd.

The Willard Chapel is located at 17 Nelson Street, Auburn, NY 13021. There is a parking lot on each side of the building and parking on the street as well. For additional information, please contact us at

PACNY Hosts A Tour Of The Oswego Lighthouse, 22 August 2015

Registration For This Event Has Closed.
We thank members and the community for the great interest in this event!


PACNY is sponsoring a tour of the Oswego Lighthouse on Saturday August 22, 2015 at 10:00 AM. The Oswego Lighthouse is one of Central New York’s most iconic landmarks. While it no longer serves as a working lighthouse, it is undergoing an interior and exterior restoration by the H. Lee White Marine Museum. PACNY is pleased to present this rare opportunity to visit the Lighthouse. You will be transported by boat from the West First Street Pier to see firsthand the restoration taking place. Representatives from the Museum will be there to tell you about the Lighthouse and the restoration. After visiting the Lighthouse your visit includes admission into the Museum with its wonderful displays and information about the marine history on the Great Lakes.

Casual dress and comfortable shoes will insure your visit is safe and enjoyable. Admission is $20.00 for PACNY members and $25.00 for non-members. This event is limited to 30 attendees. Please RSVP by August 20th to We will meet at the H. Lee White Marine Museum at 1 West 1st Street, Oswego, NY 13126. Bad weather could lead to cancellation of this event; please watch for an announcement the morning of the event here, on our Facebook Page, and our Event.

Trailblaze A Path Through History – Documentary Premiere On Wednesday, July 15th

As recently announced on the WRVO website by Leah Landry:

static1.squarespace.comJoin us for a showing of a new documentary produced by WPBS-TV in Watertown for the Path Through History project. This 30-minute high definition film entitled “Trailblaze a Path Through History: Central New York” is locally produced and focuses on the many stories that established central New York’s history. The stories uncover a trail of innovation and reform that makes its way through Madison, Oswego, Cortland, Cayuga and Onondaga counties.

The film premiere will take place on Wednesday, July 15 at the American Foundry in Oswego. It is free and open to the public. Food and drinks will be served before the documentary showing and there will be time for mingling after the film. More details are below.

Additional details about the event timing can be found in the announcing article on the WRVO website.

Several short videos describing the history of a few example places in CNY can be found on the Path Through History website ( One of the videos, about Fort Ontario, is linked below.

PATH Through History CNY: Fort Ontario