PACNY encourages all of our members to check out the July/August 2014 issue of Central New York Magazine: The Good Life, which features an excellent article entitled “Second Life for Sacred Places” by Renee Gadoua of Manlius (and a PACNY Member!). The article discusses the challenges facing the preservation of former sacred sites, and highlights the ongoing transformation of the former Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church (501 Park Street) into Masjid ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (Mosque of Jesus the Son of Mary) and the revitalization of People’s AME Zion Church (711 East Fayette Street).

PACNY’s Sacred Places Symposium (November, 2013) and our advocacy supporting the preservation and re-use of People’s AME Zion Church are also featured. We encourage you to pick up a copy today and learn about important efforts to preserve and revitalize sacred buildings in our area… and all your favorite places to get ice cream! A great issue of a great magazine!