Albany Chaplin, William m EurAm 11/20/1951 addressed AS meetings Standard,
Sperry, etc.
Hopkins, John R. m EurAm 1852 attempted to protect
 JR Loguen (false alarm)
Baldwinsville Freedom seekers, five Unk. AfAm 1854 4 fugitives from Maryland,
one from South Carolina
Standard, 10/3/54 Freedom seekers
Baldwinsville Humphrey m EurAm small house built by Baldwin,
owned by Episcopalians
n.d. hidden room Anon, 1926,
Siebert ms.
Baldwinsville Reed, Charles m AfAm 1831-32 brother-in-law,
James Watkins Seward
Chambers site, background
Baldwinsville Seward, James Watkins m AfAm also stayed in Syracuse, Volney, Jordan,
school teacher, gambler,
feiter, also worked for
Doreastus Kellogg
1830s possible UGRR agent Chambers, etc. site, background
Camillus Baptist Church 1850s AS protests Maxwell
Camillus Bush, Anthony m AfAm Third? Elect. District, 41/41
owned land
farmer 1855 Cen.;
age 58;
b. Dutchess
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Camillus Bush, Edward m AfAm Third? Elect. District, 42/42
owned land
farmer 1855 Cen.;
age 44;
b. Dutchess
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Camillus Bush, Joanna? f AfAm Third? Elect. District, 42/42 1855 Cen.;
age 34;
b. Dutchess
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Camillus Bush, Marianne f AfAm Third? Elect. District, 41/41 1855 Cen.;
age 38;
b. Md.
Freedom  seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Camillus Jedrick?, Eliza f AfAm Third?Elect. Dist., 150/158 1855 Cen.;
age 48;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Camillus Jedrick?,William m AfAm Third? Elect. Dist., 150/158 none 1855 Cen.;
age 50;
b. Columbia
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Camillus Morgan, Harriet f AfAm First election district, 268/296 1855 Cen.;
age 39;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Camillus Rowe's Hotel 1852 fugitive Slave Law protest,
Free Soil Party org.
site, background
Camillus Till, Diannah f AfAm First election district, 256/280 1855 Cen.;
age 65;
b. Albany
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Camillus Till, Elsey f AfAm First election district, 256/280 1855 Cen.;
age 43;
b. Washington
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Camillus Wilcox, Ann Sherman f EurAm Octagon House, Route 5 1841-65 Way station 9/13/1953 abol. conn., events
Camillus Wilcox, Isaac m EurAm Octagon House, Route 5 1841-65 Way station oral tradition abol. conn., events
Canastota Stickney, Washington m unkn 1851 JR-conspirator Sperry, etc. site, background
Cayuga Co. Seward, William H. m EurAm Auburn attorney, ex-Governor of NY 1851 JR-provided bail Sperry, etc.
Cayuga Co. Swift m Auburn U.S. Marshall 1851 JR-captor Sperry, etc. site, background
Clay Peterson?, John m AfAm First Election District, 3/3 servant 1855 Cen.;
age 16;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Clay Unknown Euclid, Route 31(later owned
by Krells)
Way station oral tradition site, background
DeWitt DeMot, Betsey f AfAm Second Elect. District, 267/267 1855 Cen.;
age 50;
b. Onondaga
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
DeWitt DeMot, Samuel m AfAm Second Elect. District, 267/267 com. Laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 60;
b. Maryland
Freedom  seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
DeWitt Dickinson, Caroline f AfAm Second Elect. District, 60/60 1855 Cen.;
age 19;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
DeWitt Dickinson, Moses m AfAm Second Elect. District, 60/60 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 21;
b. Onon
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
DeWitt Dickson, Mary f EurAm First Election District, 262/275 1855 Cen.;
age 30;
b. Ireland
AfAm comm. 1855  Census AfAm comm.
DeWitt Dickson, Thomas m AfAm First Election District, 262/275 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 36;
b. Saratoga
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
DeWitt Freeman, Jeramiah m AfAm Second Elect. District, 57/57
owned land
farmer 1855 Cen.;
age 50;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
DeWitt Freeman, Jeramiah m AfAm AfAm Second Elect. District, 57/57 farmer 1855 Cen.;
age 20;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
DeWitt Hornbeck, Reuben m AfAm 1853 rec'd land from Gerrit Smith Smith, "Dist.
of land."
Freedom seeker?
DeWitt Jones, Harriett f AfAm Second Elect. District, 72/72 1855 Cen.;
age 26;
b. Herkimer
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
DeWitt Jones, Sylvester m AfAm Second Elect. District, 72/72 [none] 1855 Cen.;
age 55;
b. Maryland
Freedom  seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
DeWitt Jones, William m AfAm First Election District, 157/166 laborer 1855 Cen.;
b. Maryland
Freedom  seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
DeWitt Livingston, Charles m AfAm First Election District, 156/166 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 28;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
DeWitt Nottingham m unkn farmer 1839 helped Harriet Powell Loguen, 367 site, background
DeWitt Nottingham, Gorton m unkn First Election District, 160/169-owned land-
hatch marks in "color" column
farmer 1855 Cen.;
age 45;
b. Ulster
? 1855 Census ?
DeWitt Nottingham, Sarah E. f unkn First Election District, 160/169-
hatch marks in "color" column
1855 Cen.;
age 41;
b. Columbia
? 1855 Census ?
DeWitt Scroggins, James m AfAm Second Elect. District, 267/267 none 1855 Cen.;
age 20;
b. Canada
Freedom  seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
DeWitt (1847)/
Dyson, Henry m AfAm 46 Gazelle laborer 1847, 1851 Freedom seeker?
Rec'd land from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. of land."
1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Site, background
Elbridge Allen, Elizha m Indian 2nd Elect. Dist., 384/437
owned land
laborer age 34;
b. Oneida
Onondagan? 1855 Census Onondaga?
Elbridge Allen, Sophia f Indian 2nd Elect. Dist., 384/437 age 33;
b. Oneida
Onondagan? 1855 Census Onondaga?
Elbridge Baker, Emly f AfAm 2nd Elect. Distr., 243/265 age 23;
b. Froodar?
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Baler, James m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 345/382 [none
age 49;
b. Virginia
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Elbridge Baler, Mary f AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 345/382 age 40;
b. Maryland
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Elbridge Baler, Maryann f AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 345/382 age 19;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Barnard, Prishlian? m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 206/248 servant age 18;
b. Maryland
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Elbridge Cannon, John m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 352/392 laborer age 22;
b. Delaware
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Elbridge Cooper, Sarah f unkn 2nd Elect. Dist., 48/53 seamstress 1855;
age 26;
b. Ireland
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm. ?
Elbridge Freedom seeker, Dave m AfAm Redmonds' home 1862 fugitive-hid with Redmonds Herald-American, 10/28/99 site, background
Elbridge Frog?, Henry m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., w43/266 age 27;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Haris [sic], Peter m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 385/438 laborer age 36;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Haris [sic], Rachel f AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 385/438 age 36;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Harris, Annaliza f AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 386/439 age 30;
b. Schenec.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Harris, Edward m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 386/439 [none] age 32;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Hill, Charles m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 384/437 laborer age 22;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Houland, George m AfAm 1st Elect. Dist., 252/266 servant 1855-
b. Jefferson
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Jackson, Betsey f AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 243/266 age 40;
b. Schenec
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Jackson, Loeana? f AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 191/210 age 26;
b. Onon
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Jackson, Thomas m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 243/266 age 36;
b. Schenec.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Jackson, W. m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 191/210 laborer 1855;
age 27;
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Johnson, Jane f AfAm 2nd Elect. Distr., 192/211 age 50;
b. unknown
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Elbridge Loyd, Lancaster m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 345/383 barber age 40;
b. Wayne
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Miller, Benjamin m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 345/383 barber age 28;
b . Michigan
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Morgan, Charles m AfAm AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 192/210 [none] age 50;
b. unknown
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Elbridge Qackenbush, Mary Ann f AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 440/515 servant age 50;
b. Schenec.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Redmond family EurAm DeLapp house, MacCollum Road farmer? 1862 way station Herald-Journal,
Elbridge Richardson, Diana f AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 191/210 age 50;
b. Onon
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Roberts, A. m AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 279/305 farmer age 23;
b. Maryland
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Elbridge Thomas, Charlotte f AfAm 1st Elect. Dist., 40/43 1855-age 19;
b. Africa
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Elbridge Thomas, Jane f AfAm 1st Elect. Dist., 39/42 1855 Cen.;
age 49;
b. Dutchess
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Thomas, John m AfAm 1st Elect. Dist., 40/43 farmer 1855 Cen.;
age 29;
b. Hudson
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Thomas, Thomas m AfAm First Elect. Dist., 39/42
owned land
farmer 1855 Cen.;
age 59;
b. Hudson
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge Thompons?, Emly f AfAm 2nd Elect. Dist., 243/265 washer age 65;
b. Schenec.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Elbridge _____, Violett L. f AfAm E 2nd Elect. Dist., 246/269 servant age 19;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Erie Canal Cluny m EurAm Erie Canal through Syracuse crew
canal boat
1850 tormentor of Harris family Horning site, background
Erie Canal Cowell, Silas m EurAm Erie Canal through Syracuse oyster
and clam dealer
1850 tormentor of Harris family Horning site, background
Erie Canal Harris, Caroline f AfAm Erie Canal east of Syracuse to Syracuse to Montezuma 1850 married to a fugitive from SC Horning site, background
Erie Canal Harris, William m AfAm Erie Canal-more than 2 miles
east of Syracuse
1850 fugitive from SC Horning,
Stand., 10/28-29/50
site, background
Erie Canal Ogden, Captain m unkn canal boat captain who
 rescued Harris
1850 Wm. Harris rescue Stand., 10/28/50
Erie Canal Webster, Harwell m EurAm Erie Canal through Syracuse canal boat captain 1850 tormentor of Harris family Horning site, background
Euclid Soule, Nathan m unkn 11/20/1951 Business Comm., convention opposed to fugitive Slave Law Standard,
Fabius Cross, John m EurAm boyhood home AS
1836 AS lecturer
Fabius Tousey, Emmeline f AfAm 1st Elect. Dist., 196/207 age 37;
Rhode Island
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Fayetteville Gage, Henry m EurAm Genesee Street, from 1854 1830s-50s way station documents at
 Gage house
events, context
Fayetteville Gage, Matilda Joslyn f EurAm Genesee Street, from 1854 1830s-50s way station recoll's of
Gage children
Fayetteville Stuart, Charles m EurAm ASlecturer 1830s-50s helped organize AS society
Myers site of lectures
Gould, Samuel m EurAm lectured, 1837 AS
1837 AS lecturer Myers site of meetings
F______ R____, Rev. m unkn missionary
to South
c. 1820? AS sermon Pettit, 137 ff
Geddes Cumeger, Alfred m AfAm 199/199 laborer age 26;
b. Mass.
(Del. Crossed
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Geddes Ellis, Mary f unkn Hse. #1/Family #1 age 46 Freedom seeker? 1855 Census odd mark after name
Geddes Gray, Mary Ann f AfAm 149/149 age 25;
b. Penn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Geddes Gray, William m AfAm 149/149 gardener age 45;
b. Maryland
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Geddes Lee, Emily f AfAm 120/120 age 25;
b. Penn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Geddes Lee, James m AfAm 120/120 laborer age 32;
b. Penn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Geddes Lee, Wesley m AfAm 120/120 laborer age 30;
b. Penn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Geddes Myers, Mary f AfAm 149/149 servant age 17;
b. Canada
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Geddes Wagoner, Hannah M. f AfAm 199/199 servant age20;
b. Onondaga
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Jordan Lloyd, Jim m AfAm barber 1830s Freedom seeker? Chambers, etc. Freedom seeker?
Lafayette Jonson, Horace m unkn 2nd dist., 257/284 farmer age 35;
b. Madison
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census ?-slash mark in "color'
Lafayette Jonson, Margaret f unkn 2nd dist., 257/284 age 31?;
b. Montgom.
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census ?-slash mark in "color'
Lafayette Wright, Elizabeth f unkn 2nd dist., 24/24 age 66;
b. Mass.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lafayette Wright, Samuel m unkn 2nd dist., 24/24-owned land farmer age 75;
b. Mass.
AfAm comm.
Lodi Truair, Rev. John m EurAm AS lecturer 1837 lectured in Lodi schoolhouse Loguen site, background
Lysander Carpenter, Frehala? f AfAm 2nd dist., 485/504 age 48;
b. Canada
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Lysander Carpenter, Harry m AfAm 2nd dist., 187/196 [none] age 22;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Carpenter, Jane f AfAm 2nd dist., 186/196 age 23?;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Carpenter, Mariah f AfAm 2nd dist., 186/196 age 28;
b. Conn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Carpenter, Richard m AfAm 2nd dist., 485/504 farmer age 27;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Cook, Frances f AfAm 1st dist., 108/114 age 40;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Cook, Peter m AfAm 1st dist., 108/114 [none] age 43;
b. Schenec.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Day, Polly f AfAm 1st dist., 108/114 age  60;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Frances, Charles m AfAm 2nd dist., 187/195 age 21;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Frances, Hannah f AfAm 2nd dist., 187/195 age 45;
b. Jeffers
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Frances, Jane f AfAm 2nd dist., 187/195 age 18;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Frances, John m AfAm 2nd dist., 187/195 laborer age 36;
b. Penn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Freeman, Elihu m AfAm 1st dist., 262/282 shingle
age 46;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Freeman, Isiah [sic] m AfAm 1st dist., 262/282 farmer age 29;
b. Conn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Freeman, Poly [sic]Ann f AfAm 1st dist., 262/282 deaf
and dumb
age 26;
b. onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Freeman, Rebecca f AfAm 1st dist., 262/282 age 18;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Halyard, William m AfAm 1847 rec'd land from G. Smith Smith, "Dist.
of land"
Freedom seeker?
Site, background
Lysander Peterson, Charles m AfAm 2nd dist., 216/227 laborer age 22;
b. Unknown
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Lysander Peterson, Mary f AfAm 2nd dist., 216/227 age 22;
b. Rensal.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Randall, Caesar? m AfAm 1847 rec'd land from Gerrit Smith Smith, "Dist.
of land"
Freedom seeker?
Site, background
Lysander Sears, Edward m AfAm 1st dist., 262/282 farmer age 22;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Smith, Catharine f AfAm 2nd dist., 135/136 age 30;
b. Vermont
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Smith, George m AfAm 2nd dist, 134/136 laborer age 38;
b. Washingt.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Lysander Weekly, Samuel m AfAm 2nd dist., 93/94 laborer? age 26;
b. Africa
1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Bakeman, Jacob m AfAm Belgium, etc. miller 1820s-1850s son of Rev. War veteran;
owned 18 pieces of property; AfAm comm.
deeds sites, background
Madison Co. Smith, Geritt m EurAm Peterboro land owner, abolitionist 1851 JR-conspirator Sperry, etc.
Madison Co. Thomas, Samuel m unkn Cazenovia 1851 JR-conspirator
Manlius Carver?, Jerry m AfAm 4th dist., 168/178 laborer age 30;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Doxtatons, Samuel m AfAm 4th dist., 175/184 laborer age 50;
b. Mont.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Freeman, David m AfAm 2nd dist., 207/216 laborer age 26;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Freeman, Sarah f AfAm 2nd dist., 207/216 age 26;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Freeman, Warren m AfAm 2nd dist., 235/245` boatman age 25;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Gunn, Sylva f AfAm 2nd dist., 373/387 servant age 40;
b. Columbia
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Jackson, James C. m EurAm AS lecturer 11/20/1951 convention opposed to
fugitive Slave Law
site, background
Manlius Lenison, Elizabeth f AfAm 1st dist., 103/114 age 77;
b. Dutchess
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Lewis, Elcey f AfAm 2nd dist., 328/349 servant age 10;
b. Mass.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Morgan, Phoebe f AfAm 2nd dist., 211/220 age 41;
b. Chenango
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Pledgon, Clarrissy f AfAm 2nd dist., 202/242 age 22;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Pledgon, Philip m AfAm 2nd dist., 202/242 barber age 25;
b. Arkansas
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Manlius Smith, Daniel m AfAm? 3rd dist., 22/22 [none] age 32;
b. Onon.
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Slash in "color" col.
Manlius Smith, Octava f AfAm? 3rd dist., 22/22- age 23;
b. Onon.
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Slash in "color" col.
Manlius Weld, Theodore m EurAm AS lecturer 1830-1850s AS lecturer site, background
Manlius Williams, Mary A. f AfAm? 1st dist. 334/381 domestic age 21;
b. unknown
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Slash mark for "color"
Manlius Town Noble, Linneas P. m EurAm Genesee Street, Fayetteville editor,
1844, 1851 AS letter to editor;
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Marcellus Clause, Abraham m AfAm 1847 Rec'd land from Gerrith Smith Smith, "Dist.
of land."
Freedom seeker?
Site, background
Marcellus Sheppard (Shepard) unkn SE of Marcellus 1839 Harriet Powell rescue
Thorne, Elizabeth Taber f EurAm Baptist Hill (to1854)/1827 Onondaga Rd.(1854-86) 1848-65 way station` Anklin site, background
Thorne, Obadiah m EurAm Baptist Hill (to1854)/1827 Onondaga Rd.(1854-86)
New Seneca Turnpike, just east of Skaneateles
later owned by William E. Richards; demolished 1964
1830s-50s way station Anklin site, background
Michigan Foot, C.C. m unkn 1851 JR-speaker Sperry, etc. site, background
Missouri Lear, James m EurAm slave
1851 JR-agent for Jerry's owner Sperry, etc. site, background
Missouri McReynolds, John m EurAm Marion County plantation owner 1851 JR-"owner" of Jerry Sperry, etc. site, background
Monroe Co. Fitch m EurAm Rochester Marshal from Rochester 1851 JR-captor Sperry, etc.
Onondaga Bakeman, Artimus m AfAm 3rd dist., 211/211 farming age 19;
b. Onon
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Bakeman, Benjamin m AfAm 3rd dist., 211/211-owned land farmer age 60;
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Bakeman, Jacob m AfAm 3rd dist., 30/30-owned land farmer age 59;
b. Montg.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Bakeman, James W. m AfAm 3rd dist., 62/62 shoe
age 23;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census
AfAm comm.
Onondaga Bakeman, Jane f AfAm 3rd dist., 211/211 age 87;
b. Albany
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Bakeman, Juliette f AfAm 3rd dist., 30/30 age 32;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Bakeman, Olikver m AfAm 3rd dist., 259/259-owned land farmer age 23;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Bakeman, Rachael D. f AfAm 3rd dist., 62/62 age 59;
b. Albany
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Bakeman, Rachael D. f AfAm 3rd dist., 211/211 age 54;
b. New Jersey
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Bakeman, Samuel S. m AfAm 3rd dist., 260/260 servant age 20;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Bakeman, Sarah f AfAm O 3rd dist., 259/259 age 21;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Canele Jane Day f AfAm 3rd dist., 146/146 age 52;
b. New Jersey
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Canele, James m AfAm 3rd dist., 146/146-owned land farming age 60;
b. Canada
AfAm comm. 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Onondaga Claws, Abram m AfAm 2nd dist., 146/150 laborer age 30;
b. Calcutta
AfAm comm. 1855 Census
Freedom seeker?
Onondaga Claws, Ann C. f AfAm 2nd dist., 146/150 age 28;
b. Calcutta
AfAm comm. 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Onondaga Cook, Ann f AfAm 1st dist., 285/285 age 53;
b. Albany
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Cook, George m AfAm 1st dist., 285/285 [none] age 50;
b. Mont.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Cook, George m AfAm 1st dist., 302/302 [none] age 40;
b. Montg.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Cook, Sarah f AfAm 1st dist., 302/302 age 35;
b. Montg.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Day, Catharine f AfAm, 3rd dist., 147/147 age 33;
b. New Jersey
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Day, Daniel m AfAm 3rd dist., 147/147-owned land farmer age 42;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Day, Hannah f AfAm 3rd dist., 150/150 age 36;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Day, Josiah m AfAm 3rd dist., 23/23 farmer age 23;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Day, Meranda f AfAm 3rd dist., 23/23 age 26;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Day, Peter m AfAm 3rd dist., 150/150-owned land farmer age 44;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga DeGroat, John m AfAm O 3rd dist., 252/252-owned land farmer age 56;
b. New Jersey
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Degroat, John M. m AfAm, 3rd dist., 269/269-owned land farmer age 36;
b. Orange
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Degroat, Lovina? f AfAm 3rd dist., 269/269 age 26;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga DeGroat, Margaret f AfAm 3rd dist., 252/252 age 54;
b. Herkimer
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Degroat, Phylinda f Indian 3rd dist., 270/270 age 63;
b. Conn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Dessian?, Violet f AfAm 2nd dist., 55/55-poor house age 35;
b. Virginia
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Onondaga Jack m AfAm Onondaga Valley miller 1790s enslaved by Danforths Herald-American,
site, background
Onondaga Ketchum, Henry m AfAm 3rd dist., 150/150 servant age 25;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Lewis, Peter m AfAm 2nd dist., 177/184 servant age 40;
b. Canada
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Onondaga Lewis, Peter m AfAm 3rd dist., 146/146-kids born
farming age 37;
b. Canada
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Lewis, Sally f AfAm 3rd dist., 146/146 age 27;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Livingston, Nancy f AfAm 1st dist., 285/285 age 18;
b. Onon
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Nash, Eliza f AfAm 2nd dist., 276/281 age 42;
b. Calcutta
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Onondaga Nash, Henry m AfAm 2nd dist., 276/281 [none] age 41;
b. Calcutta
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Onondaga Talbott, Absalom m AfAm 3rd dist., 260/260-owned land black
age 59;
b. Mass.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Talbott, Magdalana f AfAm 3rd dist., 260/260 age 52;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Onondaga Unknown Unity Church, Seneca Turnpike Way station oral tradition event/site
Onondaga Unknown Zen Center, 666 Seneca Turnpike Way station oral tradition event/site
Onondaga Cemetery, African American off Makyes Road, DeGroats and
Days are buried there.
AfAm comm. site, background
Onondaga Danforth family m/f EurAm 1790s "owned" slaves Herald-American,
site, background
Onondaga Days m/f AfAm African Americans sites, background
Onondaga DeGroats m/f AfAm African Americans sites, background
African American doctor m AfAm 1779 killed by U.S. troops Sullivan's
Onondaga Co. Goodell, William m EurAm several towned AS lecturer
1834- AS lecturer Myers site of lectures
Onondaga Co. Sedgwick, Avelyn m EurAm Delphi, Jamesville, Skan.,
April 1837 AS lecturer Myers sites of lectures
Onondaga Hollow/
Jackson, Thomas m AfAm house  Lock laborer 1847, 1851 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. Of land," 1847; 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Onondaga Nation Freedom seeker, doctor m AfAm doctor 1779 killed by U.S. troops Sullivan's Journals site, background
Ontario Co. Bemis m EurAm Marshal from Canandaigua 1851 JR-Captor Sperry, etc. site, background
Oswego Co. Salmon, William L. m EurAm Fulton tanner,
1851 JR-indicted Sperry, etc. site, background
Otisco Sherman, Anna f AfAm 246/246 age 51;
b. Rens.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Otisco Sherman, Charles m AfAm 246/246-owned land farmer age 55;
b. R.I.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Otisco Sherman, Charles m AfAm 1846 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
 from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist of land," 1846 Freedom seeker?
Pompey Cooley, Meddalton m AfAm 1st dist., 99/111-owned land mason age 52;
b. Virginia
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Pompey Cooley, Rachel f AfAm 1st dist., 99/111 age 50;
b. S.C.
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Pompey Praleens?, Julia f AfAm 2nd dist., 77/78 servant age 15;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Pompey Smith, Daniel m AfAm 1st dist., 24/26 farmer age 27;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm. Comm.
Pompey Thompson, Deantha f AfAm 2nd dist., 12/13 servant age 55;
b. Unkn.
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Pompey Titus, Robert m AfAm 2nd dist., 12/13 servant
age 28;
b. Unkn
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom seeker?
Pompey Williams, Mason? m AfAm 2nd dist., 89/91 servant age 20;
b. My?
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Pompey/Oran Bates m AfAm event/site
Salina Freedom seekers-two m AfAm salt workers 1774 Freedom seeker? Bowker,
NYS Senate
Journal, 1823
Freedom seekers?
Salina Lewis, Charles m AfAm 1847 rec'd land from Gerrith Smith Smith, "Dist.
Of land"
Freedom seeker?
Site, background
Salina 1847,
Wales, Isaac m AfAm 56 Ash (Manlius, 1810) cartman 1847, 1851 first AfAm in Syracue,
1810-1865, bought freedom for $80; rec'd land from
Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. of land,"1851 Syr.
Directory; Herald Journal, 2/1/96
site, background
Skaneateles Baptist Church Ladies' ASS meetings,
Frederick Douglass speech
1854 AS meetings AS meetings
Skaneateles Benedict, Michael m EurAm 43 State Street doctor Way station oral tradition
(Freeland, Hahn)
site, background
Skaneateles DeWitt, Francis (Dr. Flink) m AfAm horse doctor d. 1837 enslaved Anklin enslaved
Skaneateles Edwards, Thaddeus m EurAm 1838 Vice-Pres., Skan.
AS Society
Skan. Columbian,
way station?
Skaneateles Flink (Francis DeWitt) m AfAm horse
enslaved Press-Observor, 2/22/1989 enslaved
Skaneateles Francis, Charlotte f AfAm 1st dist., 186/198 age 44;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Skaneateles Francis, Emelina f AfAm 1st dist., 186/198 age 28;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Skaneateles Francis, Eunice f AfAm 1st dist., 186/198 age 54;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Skaneateles Francis, Nelson m AfAm 1st dist., 186/198-owned land age 43;
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Skaneateles Fuller, James Canning m EurAm 98  W. Genesee St.
(corner Fuller St.)
1830-47 Sec., Skan. AS Society;
supported Dawn Comm.;
Way station
Skan. Columbian,
Friend of Man,
more details
Skaneateles Fuller, Lydia Charleton f EurAm 98 W. Genesee St.
(corner Fuller St.)
1830s-57 Way station,
sheltered Loguen, 1851
Anklin, etc. event, abol. conn.
Skaneateles Fuller, William m EurAm 1837 Sec., first meeting, Skan. ASS, 2/13/1837 ms. Minutes,
site, background
Skaneateles Gilbert, Theodosia f EurAm Glen Haven water cure 1840s-50s AS activist Still, etc. site, background
Skaneateles Glen Haven Water Cure south end of Saneateles Lake operated by abolitionists site, background
Skaneateles Grimes, Harry m AfAm 1827 Onondaga R.
(Obadiah Thorne home)
fugitive from slavery Anklin site, background
Skaneateles Hall, David, 3rd m unkn Business Committee 11/20/1951 convention opposed to
fugitive Slave Law
Skaneateles Litherland, Samuel m EurAm 1838 Exec. Comm.,
Skan. ASS
site, background
Skaneateles Maltby, Stephen E. m EurAm 1838 Treas., Skan. ASS Skan.
site, background
Skaneateles Methodist Church 1838 AS society organized
Skaneateles Moses, Chester m EurAm 1838 Exec. Comm.,
Skan. ASS
Skan. Columbian,
site, background
Skaneateles Price Home (1897) W. Genesee and Griffin way station oral tradition
site, background
Skaneateles Pryor, Georgeq m EurAm 1838 Exec. Comm.,
Skan. ASS; teacher,
Lydia Mott's school;
supporter, Skan. Comm.
Skan. Columbian,
Leslie, etc.
site, background
Skaneateles Quaker Cemetery Lakeview Cemetery
Skaneateles Quaker Meeting House, Orthodox on Richard Tallcott's farm, West Lake Street, after
AS congregation
Skaneateles Rattle, James m EurAm 1838 Exec. Comm.,
Skan. ASS
Skan. Columbian,
site, background
Skaneateles Sandford, L. [?] H. m EurAm 1837 org. Skan. ASS, 2/13/1837 ms. Minutes,
site, background
Skaneateles Savage, Joseph m EurAm? 1853 raised money for
Jerry rescuers
Syr. Journal,
Skaneateles Savage, Lydia P. f EurAm? 1853 raised money for
Jerry rescuers
Syr. Journal,
Skaneateles Snook, John m EurAm 1838 Exec. Comm.,
Skan. ASS
Skan. Columbian,
site, background
Skaneateles Talcott, Daniel m EurAm 1838 VP, Skan. ASS Skan. Columbian,
site, background
Skaneateles Talcott, Joseph m EurAm Quaker
way station
Skaneateles Talcott, Richard m EurAm Quaker
way station?
Skaneateles Thompson, Henry m AfAm 1st dist., 115/114 [none] age 23;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Skaneateles Thompson, Mary E. f AfAm 1st dist., 115/114 age 22;
b. Cayuga
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Skaneateles Thorne, W. T. m EurAm 43 State Street--barn (built by Dr. Michael Benedict?) way station? oral tradition
site, background
Skaneateles Vanscoik, William m AfAm 1st dist., 437/465-owned land farmer age 30:
b. Cayuga
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Skaneateles Wilkinson, Alfred m EurAm Route 20, east of Skaneateles 1838 Way station?
Sec., Skan. AS Society
oral tradition;
site, background
Skaneteales Quaker Meeting House near Octagon School house
Spafford Spalding, David m EurAm on the road to Borodino
(8 miles from Skaneateles?)
farmer 1840s-50s hosted Douglass;
way station?
North Star,
site, background
Spafford Spalding, Lucy f EurAm on the road to Borodino
(8 miles from Skaneateles?)
1840s-50s hosted Douglass;
way station?
North Star,
site, background
Syracse Briggs m n 5/1850 protest meetng Nat Archves background
Syracse Colvin Davd S m EurAm 5/150 VP protest meetng Nat Archves site bacgrond
Syracuse Abbot, William G. m EurAm 37 E. Onondaga (h),
4 Franklin Building (w)
WE & Co., Dry Goods 1851 ff. JR-bail; fugitive aid Sperry;
site, abol. conn.
Syracuse Adams, Doctor m unkn 1841 offered to shelter Loguen Loguen, 372 site, abol. conn.
Syracuse Adams, H.L. m unkn 1845 Sec., Methodist AS mtg. Loucks, 20
Syracuse Af Am Freedom seekers--nine AfAm went to Loguens' home, Pine and E. Genesee 11/1857 fugitives F. Douglass's Journal
Syracuse Agan, P.H. (Patrick) m EurAm Globe Hotel, S. Salina & W. Washington (h)
7 Water St. (w)
Editor, Syr.
Clerk, Onon.
1850, 1851 protest meetng;
JR-Vigilance Comm.
Nat Archves;
Sperry, etc.
site, abol. conn.
Syracuse Allan, Henry m AfAm 279 Lock barber 1851 Syr. Directory
Syracuse Allen, Anna Lisa f AfAm Second Ward, 496/675 1855 Cen.;
age 22;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm Comm.
Syracuse Allen, Ellcey? f AfAm Second Ward, 356/471 1855 Cen.;
age 26;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Allen, Francis m AfAm 35 Catawba whitewasher 1851 Syr. Directory
Syracuse Allen, Francis M. m AfAm Second Ward, 496/675 barber 1855 Cen.;
age 23;
b. Onon
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm. Comm.
Syracuse Allen, Harrison m AfAm 1851, 1853? JR-indicted; rec'd land from
Gerrit Smith
Sperry, etc.;
Smith, "Dist.
of land"
Freedom seeker?
Site, background
Syracuse Allen, Henry m AfAm Second Ward, 116/197 barber 1855 Cen.;
age 35;
b. Onondaga
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Allen, Henry W. m EurAm 8 Burnet. Also Skaneateles? U.S. Deputy
1851, d. 1861 JR-kidnapped Jerry Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Allen, Joseph A. m unkn 1857, 1859 fugitive aid Standard,
site, background
Syracuse Allen, Lucinda f AfAm Second Ward, 116/197 1855 Cen;
age 27;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Allen, Mary Edwards f AfAm Way station oral tradition event/site
Syracuse Allen, Mathlen? f AfAm Second Ward, Hse. 356/471
owned land
1855 Cen.;
age 55;
b. Sara.?
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Allen, Thomas m AfAm Second Ward, 356/471 1855 Cen.;
age 18;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse AME Zion Church-2nd bldg. NE corner Almond and Fayette Rev. J. Loguen, pastor Hardin
Syracuse Baker, James m AfAm 231 E. Fayette white
1846, 1850 Rec'd land in Hamilton Co. from Gerrit Smith, 1846; Pres. Of "Meeting of
Colored Citizens" against
Fugitive Slave Law, 9/50
Smith, "Dist. of land," 1846; Standard,
1851 Syr. Dir.
site, background
Syracuse Baker, James m EurAm 97 James 1851 JR-conspirator Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Baptist Church West Genesee St. mob
AS meeting-1831?
1831 [1837] AS meetings Frothingham,
 (Siebert ms.)
Syracuse Baptist Church 1835 Onon. Co. ASS organized Loguen, 358 ff site, background
Syracuse Barnes, George m EurAm 103 James, 160 Foot Bookkeeper, railroad agent 1850, 1851 JR-conspirator Standard,
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Bates, Abner m EurAm c. Montgomery & Jefferson 1838,1842
1845,185 1851
Exec. Comm., Skan. ASS,; Central Comm., NYS
Liberty Party Conv., Syracuse, 1842; AS mtg., 1845; Meeting against Fugitive Slave Law, 9/1850; addressed
convention opposed to
Fugitive Slave Law;
Loucks, 27; Skan. Columbian,
Loucks, 23;
10/7/50, 11/25/51;
Sperry, etc.
sites, background
Syracuse Bates, Joshua m unkn city hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Battis, Mrs. J. f AfAm 382 E. Fayette laundress AfAm comm. 1851 Syr. Directory Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Benham, Miles m EurAm city hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Bennet, J.O. m unkn 1842 Central Comm., NYS
Liberty Party Conv.,
 Syracuse, 1842.
Loucks, 12 political abolitionist
Syracuse Benton, Andrew m AfAm basement 74 E. Genesee laborer Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr. Directory Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Bowen (Owen), John m unkn Syracuse Hotel 1839 helped Harriet Powell Loguen, 366ff
Syracuse Boyd, Jane f AfAm City Boarding House domestic Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr. Directory Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Brainer? Duard? m AfAm Second Ward, 496/675 barber 1855 Cen.;
age 18;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Briggs, C.P. m EurAm city hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Brigham, J.B. m EurAm 339 E. Water Teacher
Dist 10, 4
1851 JR-indicted Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Brintnall's Hotel 1851 Jerry Henry taken there
after rescue
NY Times,
Syracuse Briscoe, Sarah f AfAm Seventh Ward, 88/113 1855 Cen.;
age 39;
b. Albany
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Briscoe, William m AfAm Seventh Ward, 88/113
owned land
none 1855 Cen.;
age 46;
b. unknown
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Bristol, Joseph m AfAm 1846 rec'd land in Franklin Co. from Gerrit Smith Smith, "Dist. of land," 1846 Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Brown, Hiram K. m AfAm 37 Montgomery laborer Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr. Directory Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Brown, James m AfAm 68 James laborer Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr. Directory Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Brown, James m AfAm Fourth Ward, 579/691 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 25;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Brown, Sarah f AfAm Fourth Ward, 579/691 1855 Cen.;
age 20;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Brown, William m AfAm? 1857 note re "African Aid Society" Standard, 4/23/57
Syracuse Burdic, Perry m EurAm Hunker  who
Freedom seekers
1854 abol. Standard,
site, background
Syracuse Burleigh, William H. m unkn Business
11/20/51; 1851 convention opposed to
Fugitive Slave Law;
11/25/51Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Burns, Peter m unkn speaker Ch. Merrick
(Siebert ms)
Syracuse Butler, Thomas J. [I?] m AfAm Fourth Ward, 253/294 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 65;
b. NC?
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Carrolson, Benjamin m AfAm 58 Irving laborer 1851 Syr. Directory Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Carter, George m unkn 1851 JR-conspirator Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Carter, George m AfAm 1847 Rec'd land from Gerrit Smith Smith, "Dist.
of land," 1847
Freedom seeker?
Site, background
Syracuse Cassaw?, Ann f AfAm Fourth Ward, 253/286
owned land
1855 Cen.;
age 37;
b. Penn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Castle, Ann f AfAm Fourth Ward, 649/? 1855 Cen.;
age 57;
b. Mass.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Castle, Samuel m AfAm 1847 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist.
Of land," 1847
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Castle, Samuel m AfAm Fourth Ward, 648/? farmer 1855 Cen.;
age 52;
b. Maryland
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Castleton, Rev. T. m unkn 1840x AS lectures, 1840s Loucks, 18
Syracuse Chase, J.B. m EurAm city hall 1/1850,
AS mtg.,
Fugitive Slave Law mtg.
Syracuse Chester, Rev. John m AfAm? minister 1841 Sernett, 35 Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Church Street house near old Baptist church, moved near McKinstry's
Candle Factory, then moved to Bates & Williams'
tannery (owned in 1859 by W.H. Van Buren)
1842? Loguen's second school Loguen, 373 site
Syracuse City Hall 1/1850;
site of protest meetings,
 1/50, 5/50 and 10/4/50
Relig. Recorder, 1/24/50; Nat Archives,
Daily Star, 5/17/50;
Loucks, IV
Syracuse Clapp, J.M. m unkn 1850, 1851 Fugitive Slave Law mtg.,
site, background
Syracuse Clark, Harry m AfAm 59 W. Genesee domestic 1851 Syr. Directory Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Clark, Harry m AfAm Eighth Ward 106/106
owned land
sexton 1855 Cen.;
b. Hudson
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Clark, Henry m AfAm 1854 Rec'd land from Gerrit Smith Smith, "Dist.
of land."
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Clark, Margaret f AfAm Eighth Ward 106/106 1855 Cen.;
age 32;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Clarke, William M. m unkn Syracuse Hotel/Lebanon,
Madison County
1839, 1845 helped Harriet Powell; AS
meeting, 1845
Loguen, 366ff;
Loucks, 27; Smith Papers,
Syracuse Clary, Dr. Lyman m EurAm 54 S. Warren Physician 1845,
1850, 1851
AS meeting, 1845; VP protest meeting; Pres.,
Anti-Fugitive Slave Law
mtg., 1/50;
JR-Vigilance Comm.
Loucks, 23; Standard,
Relig. Recorder,
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Cobb, Alfred m EurAm Globe Hotel, S. Salina & W. Washington (h),
45 East Water (w)
coal dealer 1850 1851 protest meetng;
Nat Archves;
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Cobb, Ira H. m EurAm 24 Montgomery (Tremont) (h),
44 E. Genesee (w)
& marble
1845, 1851ff, 1854,
 d. 1889   
AS meeting, 1845; Jerry Rescue; fugitive aid Sperry; Loucks, 27;
property, background
Syracuse Cole, John m AfAm Eighth Ward, 371/382 1855 Cen.;
age 21;
b. Westch.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Congregational Church State Tower Bldg. Block, E. Genesee, Warren, Water 1837-49 AS organizing site; Liberty
party, 1840;
"Cradle of Liberty";
"Fanueil Hall,"
meeting for freedom of press, 9/10/45; mtg. Of Af Ams re land grants, 1846
Loucks, 44; May, 322
Syracuse Convention Hall SW corner Franklin and Washington St. 1840s site of abolition meetings Hardin,
Standard, 1/25/59
Syracuse Cook, George m AfAm 100 Grape laborer 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Cook, John B. m EurAm city hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Courier Building corner Montgomery, Warren,
E. Genesee
1851 site of Daniel Webster's talk Hardin
Syracuse Crandall, William L. m EurAm Syracuse House (w), S. Salina
and E. Genesee
reporter 1851 ff Sec. Anti-Fugitive Slave Law
mtg., 1/8/51; JR-indicted; raised money
Relig. Recorder,
1/16/51; Syr. Journal,
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Crown, Elizabeth f AfAm Eighth Ward, 206/206 1855 Cen.;
age 31;
b. Canada
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Crown, Jacob m AfAm 234 E. Fayette laborer 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Crown, Jacob m AfAm Eighth Ward, 206/206 1855 Cen.;
age 37;
b. Dutchess
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Curtis EW m unkn 5/1850 protest meetng Nat Archves background
Syracuse Davenport, J. m EurAm Syracuse House "owner" of Harriet Powell 1839 advertised for H's return Davis etc. background
Syracuse Davis, Caleb A. m EurAm 10 Onondaga (h) or E. Genesee & McBridge, or
Genesee and Orange (later site of SU Extension)
drover 1851 JR-drove escape wagon Sperry, Hardin,
Galpin, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Davis, Cobb m EurAm 134 Towing Path meat market 1851 JR Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Davis, James or
Davis, James S.
m EurAm 32 Burnet/46 Maple or
or bds. Tremont, 35 Montgomery (h)
stall 1, City Market or 6 Franklin Bldg. (w)
livestock dealer or
dry goods regulator
1851 JR-indicted Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Decker, Margaret f AfAm Eighth Ward, 186/186 1855 Cen.;
age 80;
b. Dutchess
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Decker, Rachael f AfAm Eighth Ward, 186/186 1855 Cen.;
b. Ulster
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Decker, William m AfAm Eighth Ward, 186/186 clergyman 1855 Cen.;
age 35;
b. Orange
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse DeForest, Henry m  AfAm Third Ward, 202/288
owner of land
[none] 1855 Cen.;
age 38;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse DeForest, Henry m AfAm Seventh Ward, 21/32
owned land
wailer? 1855 Cen.;
age 40;
b. unknown
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse DeForest, Rosina f AfAm Seventh Ward, 21/32 1855 Cen.;
age 40;
b. unknown
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse DeForrest, Henry m AfAm Tremont table
1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse DeMott, Samuel m AfAm 1847 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist.
of land," 1847
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Denny, Anne f AfAm Seventh Ward, 508/619 servant 1855 Cen.;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse DeWit?, Eliza f AfAm Fourth Ward, 42/52 1855 Cen.;
age 35;
b. Va.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Dillaye, S.D. m EurAm 1850 VP protest meetng Nat Archves site, background
Syracuse Douglass, Frederick m AfAm Market Hall. Douglass lived in
AS editor, lecturer 1847 addressed AS meeting,
Market Hall, 1845
Daily Star,
Syracuse Douglass, Lovica f AfAm Eighth Ward, 142/142 1855 Cen.;
age 65;
b. Conn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Dumford Henry W m EurAm 1850 VP protest meetng Nat Archves site, background
Syracuse Dunbar, Mrs. Rose f AfAm 10 Church domestic 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Dunbar, Sophia f AfAm 25 Catharine domestic 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Edwards, Harriet f AfAm Eighth Ward, 187/187 1855 Cen.;
age 46;
b. Conn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Edwards, William m AfAm Eighth Ward, 187/187 1855 Cen.;
age 20;
b. Canada
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Fayette Street Church Fayette Street 1850 site of "Meeting of Colored
citizens" against Fugitive
Slave Law
9/24/1850 site, church
Syracuse Field, Lemuel m unkn 1851 JR-conspirator Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Filkins, Eliza f unkn 1853 raised money for Jerry
Syr. Journal,
Syracuse First Methodist Church 1843 1st meeting of Wesleyans
Syracuse Fisher, Lucindia f AfAm boards 42 Ash 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Fletcher, Maria f AfAm 252 E. Washington domestic 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Fonda, Nancy Ann f AfAm 128 N. Salina 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Fonda, Primus m AfAm 128 N. Salina 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Forbes, J.G. m EurAm 89 James (h),
1 Wieting Block (w)
Attorney 1851 JR-counsel Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Foster, Isaih [sic] m AfAm Eighth Ward, 141/141 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 26;
b. NYC
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Foster, J.C. m unkn city hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Foster, John m EurAm abolitionist
Syracuse Foster, John C. m AfAm 1846 given land in Hamilton Co.
 by Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. of
land," 1846.
Syracuse Foster, Kearnet? f AfAm Eighth Ward, 157/157 wife (no spouse listed) 1855 Cen.;
age 58;
b. Mass
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Foster, Sarah f EurAm abolitionist
Syracuse Freedom seeker m AfAm S.J. May's home "O, Massa, not fit." n.d. Fugitive May Freedom seeker
Syracuse Freedom seeker m AfAm S.J. May's home well-dressed young man n.d. Fugitive May Freedom seeker
Syracuse Freedom seeker f AfAm S.J. May's home well-dressed young woman n.d. Fugitve May Freedom seeker
Syracuse Freedom seeker f AfAm "house in the most fashionable street in the city" concealed by wife of
n.d. fugitive Jos.Allen
(Siebert ms.)
Freedom seeker
Syracuse Freedom seeker f AfAm Loguens' home and Auburn "beautiful mulatto woman from Maryland," bride reunited with husband in Auburn n.d. fugitive Wm. Chambers
(Sieber ms.)
Freedom seeker
Syracuse Freedom seeker, one f AfAm 24 yrs.old,
"nearly white, and beautiful"
1854 fugitive Standard,
Freedom seeker
Syracuse Freedom seeker, one Unk. AfAm Maryland through Syracuse to Oswego
and Canada
1854 fugitive Standard, 7/22/54 Freedom seeker
Syracuse Freedom seekers, eleven m/f AfAm six men,
five women
1847 fugitives Syr. Star, 7/21/47;
Sernett, 41
Freedom seeker
Syracuse Freedom seekers, nine m/f AfAm railroad station; Loguens' home two men, onewoman
6 children
1857? fugitives F.D.'s Paper,
Freedom seekers
Syracuse Freedom seekers, seven m/f AfAm Loguens' home sent to
1857? fugitives F.D.'s Paper, 11/28/57? Freedom seeker
Syracuse Freedom seekers, six m/f AfAm Loguens' home 3 adults,
3 children
1859 fugitives Sernett, 47-8 background
Syracuse Freedom seekers, ten Unk. AfAm 1854 fugitives Tribune?
Freedom seekers
Syracuse Freedom seekers, three Unk. AfAm 1854 fugitives Standard, 4/16/54 Freedom seekers
Syracuse Freedom seekers, three Unk. AfAm 1854 fugitives Tribune?
Freedom seekers
Syracuse Freeman,  Louisa f AfAm 43 Burnett domestic 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Freeman, Annalize f AfAm Eighth Ward, 355/366 domestic 1855 Cen.;
age 25;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Freeman, Catharine f AfAm 23 Catherine domestic 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Freeman, Jane f AfAm Eighth Ward, 140/140 1855 Cen.;
age 26;
b. Herkimer
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Freeman, Louisa f AfAm Sixth Ward, 258/316 servant 1855 Cen.;
age 24;
b. Steuben
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Freeman, Peter m AfAm 33 W. Water laborer 1846, 1851 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. Of land," 1846; 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Freeman, Peter m AfAm Eighth Ward, 140/140 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 35;
b. Montg.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Freeman, Robert m unkn 1842 central committee of
NYS Liberty Convention mtg., Syracuse
Loucks, 12 political abolitionist
Syracuse Frick, George m AfAm? Eighth Ward, 256/261
owned land
gardner 1855 Cen.;
age 43;
b. Germany?
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Fuller,  Ger. m EurAm 1851 JR Galpin site, background
Syracuse Fuller, James m EurAm doctor
(son of JC
& Lydia)
d. 1889   
raised money; fugitive aid
Syr. Journal,
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Fuller, Sumner m unkn 1851 drove Loguen to Rochester Siebert ms.
Loguen, 429
Syracuse Fundy, Primus m AfAm Fourth Ward, 253/287 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 58;
b. Schen.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Fundy, Rachel f AfAm Fourth Ward, 253/287 1855 Cen.;
age 44;
b. Montg.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Furman, Robert m unkn city hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Garant?, Martha Ann f AfAm Fourth Ward, 667/828 1855 Cen.;
age 16;
b. Canada
1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Gardener Rowland H m n 5/1850 Sec protest meetng Nat Archves site, background
Syracuse Gardiner, William C. m EurAm sheriff 1851 JR-conspirator Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Gardner, Henry m AfAm Fourth Ward, 253/285 laborer 1855 Cen.'
age 26;
b. Mass.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Gardner, Isaac m AfAm Fourth Ward, 148/169 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 67;
b. Mass.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Gardner, Phillis f AfAm Fourth Ward, 148/169 1855 Cen.;
age 68;
b. Conn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Gardner, Sarah Ann f AfAm Fourth Ward, 253/285 1855 Cen.;
age 18;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Gere, Robert m EurAm 42 Jefferson contractor 1851 JR-convention Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Gilbert, L.J. m unkn 1851 JR-convention Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Gillett, L.J. m EurAm city hall 1845;
AS meeting;
Fugitive Slave Law mtg.
Loucks, 27; Standard,
Syracuse Ginkins, Hannah f AfAm Eighth Ward 20/20 1855 Cen.;
age 33;
b. ?
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Ginkins, William m AfAm Eighth Ward 20/20-owned land weaver 1855 Cen.;
age 40;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Grant, George m AfAm 361 E. Fayette laborer 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Grant, George m AfAm Fourth Ward, 50/55 musician 1855 Cen.;
age 33;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Gray, Nancy f AfAm Fourth Ward, 40/50 housekeeper 1855 Cen.;
age 37;
b. Montg.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Gray, William m AfAm Freedom
seeker aid
1851, 1854 JR-fugitive slave, rescued
Jerry, worked with fugitive
aid committee
Sperry, etc.;
Standard, 1/17/54
site, background
Syracuse Grey, William m AfAm W. Genesee laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Griffin, John m AfAm 128 N. Salina 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Haight, Seth m EurAm 26 W. Washington/118 S. Salina Owner, Daily Journal 1851 JR-bail Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Hallenbeck, Peter m unkn 1851 JR Galpin site, background
Syracuse Hanover Square Water and Warren Sts. 1861 abol's burned in effigy Hardin
Syracuse Harris, B.G. m unkn 1845 Pres., Methodist AS mtg. Loucks, 20
Syracuse Harrison, Hellen f AfAm Third Ward, 189/266 domestic 1855 Cen.;
age 18;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Hasbrook, Mahala f AfAm Fourth Ward, 579/689 servant 1855 Cen.;
age 21;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Hawley, Lewis T. m EurAm U.S. 
1850, 1851 JR-refused to arrest Jerry Standard,
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Hawley, Silas, Jr. m unkn AS publisher 1845 published Liberty Intelligence Loucks, 23 site, background
Syracuse Hayden, E.T. m unkn 11/20/1951 convention opposed to
fugitive Slave Law-
Exec. Committee
Syracuse Hazzell, Jane f AfAm Eighth Ward, 141/141 1855 Cen.;
age 40;
b. NYC
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Hedgandson, George S. m AfAm 1847 rec'd land 
from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. of land." Freedom seeker?
Site, background
Syracuse Hedgeuds, George S. m AfAm N. Salina, n. O.C. Bridge barber 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Henry, William "Jerry" m AfAm Clinton Square-site of rescue in 1851;
 site of Jerry Rescue statue, 1990
chair maker
1851 fugitive from slavery Sperry, etc. home and work sites
Syracuse Higgins, Benjamin L. m EurAm daguerrean, Dem. Alderman 1851 JR-helped police, eye-witness Galpin site, background
Syracuse Highgate, Charles m AfAm Fourth? Ward, 299/366
owned land
[none] 1855  cen.;
age 43;
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Highgate, Edmonia f AfAm teacher of
freed people
1865 Principal, Douglass School,
New Orleans, La., lecturer,
b. 1844, d. 1869.
site, background
Syracuse Highgate, Hannah f AfAm Fourth? Ward, 299/366 1855 Cen.;
age 35?;
b. Va.
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Highgate, Trevanian m AfAm 32 S. Warren, house 48 Grape hair dresser 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Hillis, David D. m unkn attorney 1851 JR-counsel Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Hollenbeck, Peter m AfAm 1851 JR-rescued Jerry Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Hopkins, I.A. m unkn publisher 1844 published Liberty Almanac Loucks, 23 site, background
Syracuse Hovey, Alfred H. m EurAm Mayor 1850,  1851 JR-president protest mtg. Nat Archves
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Hoyt, Hiram m EurAm 56 S. Warren (Eye & Ear
doctor 1851 JR-conspirator Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Hoyt, Jason S. m unkn boarded Britnall's Exchange carriage
1851 JR-drove escape buggy Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Hughes, A. m unkn city hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law met. Standard,
Syracuse Hunt, Edward K. m unkn 48 Montgomery mason 1851 JR-
Syracuse Huntington m 5/1850 protest meetng Nat Archves background
Syracuse Jackson, Elizabeth f AfAm Fourth Ward, 180/207 1855 Cen.;
age 54;
b. Maryland
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, Frederick m AfAm 124 Burnett laborer 1847, 1851 rec'd land from Gerrit Smith Smith, "Dist. of land";
1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, Frederick m AfAm Fourth Ward, 180/207
owned land
whitewasher 1855 Cen.;
age 57;
b. Montg.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Jackson, Henrietta f AfAm Fourth Ward, 148/161 servant 1855 Cen.;
age 53;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Jackson, Henry m AfAm 31-33E. Water porter 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, Henry m AfAm 224 E. Water whitewasher 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, Henry m AfAm 1846 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist.
of land," 1846
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, John m AfAm house Irving, n. E. Genesee butcher 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, John m AfAm 53 Irving teamster 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, Mariah f AfAm Fourth Ward, 43/53 1855 Cen.;
age 22;
b. Jeff.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Jackson, Prince m AfAm 135 Lock (work) or 42 Ash horse
barber, dyer
1851 JR-indicted Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Jackson, Prince m AfAm 135 Lock horse
1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, Prince m AfAm 42 Ash barber,
1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, Samuel m AfAm house 280 N. Salina cook 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, Samuel m AfAm Fourth Ward, 43/53 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 41;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Jackson, Samuel B. m AfAm 128 N. Salina barber 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jackson, Thomas m AfAm Fourth Ward, 148/161 servant 1855 Cen.;
age 62;
b. VA
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Jenkins, William H. m AfAm 150 E. Fayette carpet
1846, 1851 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. Of land," 1846; 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Jerry Rescue site Raynor Block (M.Crouse Klock Office) site
Clinton Street, west of Clinton Square
1851 site of Jerry Rescue Sperry, etc. archeological dig
Syracuse Johnson, George m AfAm 238 E. Genesee laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Johnson, George m AfAm Seventh Ward, 481/585
lived with Wheatons
servant 1855 Cen.;
age 45;
b. NY
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Johnson, Jonathan m AfAm house 128 N. Salina cook 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Joslyn, H. m EurAm Business
Abolition State Conven., 7/9/50; convention opposed to
fugitive Slave Law
Syracuse Kansaw, Benjamin m AfAm house Irving, n E. Genesee 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Keene, Thomas A. m AfAm Eighth Ward, 240/241
owned land
cigar maker 1855 Cen.;
age 44;
b. New York Co.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Key, Francis m AfAm 1846 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist.
of land," 1846
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Keys, Samuel m AfAm 13 Chestnut whitewasher 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse King, J.C. m unkn city hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse King, S. m unkn city hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse King, Sereno F m AfAm Sec. Of "Meeting of Colored Citizens" against Fug. Slave Law, rescuer of Jerry 1850, 1851 JR-"Let's take him out" 7/24/1850
home, work
Syracuse Kingsley, Lyman m unkn 125 Warren sashes and blinds 10/1850,
Fugitive Slave Law mtg.,
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Kinney, J. m unkn editor 1845 editor, Liberty Intelligence Loucks, 23
Syracuse Kinney, Joel m EurAm City Hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law meeting Standard,
Syracuse Kisle, Rev. m AfAm minister 1850 assisted Harrises Horning site, background
Syracuse Knight, Horace B. m unkn 1857, 1859 fugitive aid Standard,
site, background
Syracuse Lando, Frank m AfAm 23 Catharine teamster 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Landow, Fraqnk m AfAm Fourth Ward, 148/169 ostler 1855 Cen.;
age 45;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Langley, Jane f AfAm Eighth Ward, 219/219
owned land
tailoress 1855 Cen.;
age 39;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Langley, Loem? f AfAm Eighth Ward, 219/219 1855 Cen.;
age 22;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Langley, Martha f AfAm Eighth Ward, 219/219 1855 Cen.;
age 20;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Lawrence, James R. Jr m EurAm 188 N. Salina/Geer Block attorney 1851 JR-counsel Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Leavenworth, E.W. m EurAm 97 James/Noxon Block Attorney 1845,
1850, 1851
AS meeting, 1845; Protest meeting;
JR-Vigilance Comm.
Loucks, 23;Nat Archves;
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Lee, Ebenezer m AfAm 293 E. Fayette laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Lee, Ebenezer m AfAm Eighth Ward, 273/279
owned land
laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 40;
b. Cayuga Co.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Lee, Lucyann f AfAm Eighth Ward, 273/279 1855 Cen.;
age 31;
b. Conn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Lee, Rev. Luther m EurAm Wesleyan Methodist Church,
E. Onondaga
Wesleyan minister UGRR agent
365 in one year
Jos. Allen
(Siebert ms.)Siebert
home site
Syracuse Leonard, Jane f AfAm Eighth Ward, 214/214 1855 Cen.;
age 52;
b. Rensalaer
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Leonard, Mrs. Jane f AfAm Exchange Hotel cook 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Leonard, Thomas m AfAm Eighth Ward, 214/214
owned land
laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 61;
b. Virginia
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Leonard, Tom m AfAm Syracuse House, S. Salina and
E. Genesee (w)
waiter 1839 assisted Harriet Powell Davis
Syracuse Lewis, Charles L. m AfAm First Ward, 143/178 salt boiler 1855-
age 53;
b. Conn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Lewis, Edward m AfAm First Ward, 143/179 salt boiler 1855 Cen.
Age 29;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Lewis, Elder m AfAm AME Zion
1841 ordained J.W.Loguen Sernett Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Lewis, George m AfAm Third Ward, 205/300 barber 1855 Cen.;
age 34;
b. W. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Lewis, Horace m AfAm Scott's Hotel, b. 25 Catharine barber 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Lewis, Horace m AfAm Fourth Ward, 148/168
owned land
barber 1855 Cen.;
age 38;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Lewis, Maria f AfAm First Ward, 143/178 1855 Cen.
Age 50;
b. Herkimer
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Lewis, Mary f AfAm boards 64 Pearl laundress 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Lewis, Mary C. f AfAm Eighth Ward, 142/142 1855 Cen.;
age 27;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Lewis, Samuel m AfAm First Ward, 143/179 salt boiler 1855 Cen.;
age 26;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Lewis, Sarah f AfAm First Ward, 143/179 1855 Cen.
Age 28;
b. Herkimer
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Liles [?], John m AfAm 1847 rec'd land from Gerrit Smith Smith, "Dist. of land" Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Lilly, Peter m unkn 57 Irving/ 29 E. Water blacksmith,
1851 JR-filed J's handcuffs Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Lisle m AfAm minister 1850 assisted Wm. Harris Standard,
home, background
Syracuse Livingston, Mary f AfAm 18 Church domestic 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Loguen, Caroline f AfAm Eighth Ward, 279/285 1855 Cen.;
age 38;
b. Chautauqua
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Loguen, Caroline Storum f AfAm E. Genesee and Pine 1840-50s way station
Syracuse Loguen, Jermain m AfAm Eighth Ward, 279/285
owned land
clergyman 1855 Cen.;
age 40;
b. Tennesee
way station
1855 Census AfAm-fugitive
Syracuse Loguen, Rev. Jermain W. m AfAm 293 E. Genesee, corner Pine;
Oakwood cemetery, gravesite, section 6
AME Zion minister;
general agent, UGRR
1850s Vigilance Committee
JR-indicted, fugitive from Tennessee, headquarters of UGRR, Syr
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Loomis, Joseph m unkn Attorney 1851 JR-counsel Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Lot near Park 1841 Loguen's first school Loguen, 372 site, background
Syracuse Lowell, Russell m unkn Policeman 1851 JR-captor Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Lyles, Rev. John m AfAm 237 E. Washington minister
Cong. Ch,
1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Mansfield, Rev. L.D. m unkn minister 1851 JR-court observor Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Mantles?, Charlotte f AfAm Second Ward, 458/616 1855 Cen.:
age 30;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Market Hall-see City Hall
Syracuse Marks, Enoch m unkn also from Camillus? 1851 Chair, meeting to protest
fugitive Slave Law, Cong. Ch.; convention opposed to fugitive Slave Law
10/16/51; 11/25/51
home, work
Syracuse Marshall, H.P. m AfAm boards 25 Cedar laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse May, Rev. Samuel J. m EurAm 157 James minister
1840s-50s AS meeting, 1845; protest meetng;
raised money; "hundreds"
of fugitives
Loucks, 27; Nat Archves;
Sperry, etc.;
site, background
Syracuse Maynard, George L. m EurAm City Hall 1850 Fugitive Slave Law meeting Standard, 10/1/1850
Syracuse McCarthy D m unkn 5/1850 protest meetng Nat Archves background
Syracuse McCombs, J.H. m unkn city hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse McCorter, Ann f AfAm First Ward, 144/180 1855 Cen.;
age 48;
b. PA
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse McCorter, Simon m AfAm First Ward, 144/180 basket
1855 Cen;
age 45;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse McCorter, William m AfAm First Ward, 144/180 1855 Cen.;
age 21;
b. Herkimer
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse McCoy, William m AfAm 1853 rec'd land from Gerrit Smith Smith, "Dist.
of land"
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse McCoy, William m AfAm Seventh Ward, 567/695 servant 1855 Cen.;
age 22;
b. Va.
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse McLendon, Joseph m AfAm house 25 Almond barber 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Mercer, Alfred m unkn 324 Montgomery Physician 1851 JR-left money to comm. J Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Merrick, Charles f EurAm brother of Chloe & Montgomery 1851 JR Siebert ms, etc. site, background
Syracuse Merrick, Chloe f EurAm sister of Charles & Montgomery
m. Harrision Reed
teacher of
freed people
1851 abolitionist family Foster site, background
Syracuse Merrick, Montgomery m EurAm 148 E. Washington Mason 1851 ff JR-indicted;
fugitive aid
Sperry, etc.;
site, background
Syracuse Merrick, Sylvanus m EurAm 1851 JR Foster site, background
Syracuse Methodist Church 1845 AS meeting Loucks, 19
Syracuse Miller, A. m AfAm house rear corner N. Salina and
laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Miller, Nancy f AfAm 11 Church domestic 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Mills, C.D. m EurAm West Genesee and Liberty 1860 resolutions at Jerry
Rescue celebration
Monthly, 11/60
Syracuse Minor, Rev. Ovid m unkn minister 11/20/1951 convention of citizens'
opposed to fugitive Slave Law
11/25/51George Clark,
Siebert ms.
Syracuse Mintes, Jane f AfAm 10 Mulberry laundress 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Mires, Harriet A. f AfAm Fourth Ward, 220/236 1855 Cen.;
age 31,
b. Schoharie
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Mires, James A. m AfAm Fourth Ward, 220/236 whitewasher 1855 Cen.;
age 32;
b. Monroe
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Mires, Temple f AfAm Fourth Ward, 253/294 1855 Cen.;
age 40;
b. NC
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Moby, John m AfAm 100 Grape laborer 1851 Freedom seeker? 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Montgomery, Alexander m AfAm Eighth Ward, 108/108 silver
1855 Cen.;
age 22;
b. Onon.?
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Montgomery, Margaret f AfAm Eighth Ward, 108/108 domestic 1855 Cen.;
age 17;
b. Canada
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Morgan, LeRoy m EurAm 93 W. Onondaga/10 Dillaye
Block (work)
Attorney (Partner Hillis) 1851 JR-counsel Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Morrell, Frederic m EurAm First Ward-cooper shop where Jerry Henry was arrested Cooper 1840s-50s JR-employed Jeerry Sperry, etc. site of shop
Syracuse Mosher, Catharine f AfAm Exchange Hotel domestic 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Mullen, Patrick m AfAm? Second Ward mason 1855 Cen.;
age 20;
b. Ireland
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm. Comm. ?
Syracuse Mumford, Samuel m AfAm 46 Gazelle laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Myers, Charles m AfAm 64 Pearl last maker 1846, 1851 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
 from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. Of land," 1846; 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Myers, Charles m AfAm Eighth Ward, 141/141 1855 Cen.;
age 47;
b. Montg.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Myers, Emma f AfAm Seventh Ward, 358/440 1855 Cen.;
age 23;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Myers, James m AfAm Seventh Ward, 358/440 none 1855 Cen.;
age 21;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Nelson, Eliza f AfAm Seventh Ward, 22/33-owned land 1855 Cen.;
age 42;
b. Kings
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Nelson, Mrs. Tabby W. f AfAm boards 141 Montgomery 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Nelson, Nathan m AfAm Brintnall's Hotel,
house 141 Montgomery
porter 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Nye, Gen. James W. m EurAm Madison County (h),
1 Wieting Block (w)
partner Forbes
1851 JR-counsel Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Oakwood Cemetery burial site of many FT people
Syracuse Onondaga Historical Assn. Montgomery St. interpretive site
Syracuse Orcott,  D.A.. m unkn 1850 protest meetng Nat Archves background
Syracuse Ormsby, Lucius J. m unkn 1857, 1859 fugitive aid Standard,
site, background
Syracuse Park Church State and Fayette 1847- moderate AS church
Syracuse Parsons, James m unkn 1851 JR-conspirator Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Patterson, William m AfAm E. Water laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Pease, Dr. R.W. m unkn 2 Granger Block &
Syr. Medical School
Physician 1851 JR-conspirator Sperry, etc.;
site, background
Syracuse Pellet, Sarah f unkn 1854 with S.J. May,
spoke against recapture of
Anthony Burns in Boston
site, background
Syracuse Peters, John m AfAm 42 Ash 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Phelps, D.P. m unkn 11/20/1951 convention opposed to
fugitive Slave Law
Syracuse Phillips, Choneig? m AfAm Second Ward com. labor 1855 Cen.;
age 29;
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Pinney, Rev. m unkn City Hall minister, offered prayer at
11/20/1951 convention of citizens'
opposed to fugitive Slave Law
Syracuse Plymouth Church Onondaga and Warren AS church
Syracuse Porter, Stephen m unkn 15 Mechanic/4 James butcher 1851 JR-indicted Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Potter, Doctor m unkn 1851 JR-went ahead of J. to
 Oneida Bridge
Loguen site, background
Syracuse Powell Archibald C. m EurAm 1850 VP protest meetng Nat Archves site, background
Syracuse Powell, Harriet f AfAm Syracuse House, S. Salina and
E. Genesee (w)
1839 fugitive Davis, etc. background
Syracuse Prebyterian Church 1849-S. Salina and Warren; 1854-S. Salina schoolhouse;
1861-2517 S. Salina
1849 ff AS church Herald-Journal,
site, background
Syracuse Prendergast, Edward R. m EurAm bds @ Tremont;
7 W. Warren (w)
Commander Syr. Ntl. Guard 1851 JR
Syracuse Pryne, A.L. Rev. m minister 1859 Jerry Rescue
celeb., 1859
Syracuse Putnam, George m 1859 Jerry Rescue
celeb., 1859
Syracuse Putnam, Hiram m unkn Bds.  Globe Hotel, 101 James;
Office 5, Townsend Block (w)
1850, 1851
AS meeting, 1845; protest meeting;
JR-Vigilance Committee
Loucks, 28Nat Archves;
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Quincy, John m AfAm Star Place cook 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Randall m AfAm 1851 smashed door, JR Ch. Merrick
(Siebert ms)
Syracuse Randall, Edmund m AfAm Linden, near Adams wood
1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Randall, Eliza f AfAm corner Montgomery and Adams domestic 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Ray, Marianty f AfAm Second Ward, 215/366 1855 Cen.;
age 48;
b. Onon
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Ray, Nelson m AfAm Second Ward, 215/366 carpenter 1855 Cen.;
age 21;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Ray, Samuel m AfAm Second Ward, 215/366 carpenter 1855 Cen.;
age 48;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Ray, Samuel m AfAm 8 Division. Also Salina carpenter 1846, 1851 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
 from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. Of land," 1846; 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Raymond, Rev. R.R. m unkn 105 N. Salina; 195 James Minister
1850, 1851 JR-Vigilance Committee Standard,
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Raynor Henry m EurAm 5/1850 protest meetng Nat Archves  background
Syracuse Reed, Enoch m AfAm 246 Lodi 1851 JR-indicted Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Reed, Enoch m AfAm 246 Lodi 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Reed, Isaac m AfAm house rear 150 Montgomery shoemaker 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Reed, Peter m AfAm 1851 JR helper Loguen site, background
Syracuse Rhoades H m unkn 5/1850 protest meetng Nat Archves background
Syracuse Robbins, Ann f AfAm Seventh Ward, 358/440 1855 Cen.;
age 26;
b. Chenango
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Robbins, Morris B. m AfAm Seventh Ward, 358/440 none 1855 Cen.;
age 40;
b. Chenango
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Robbins, Mrs. Mahala f AfAm 1851 JR-helped remove shackles Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Robinson, Mary f AfAm Fourth Ward, 148/168
owned land
laundress 1855 Cen.;
age 39;
b. Schenec.
1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Ross dge m EurAm "late of Cortland Conty" 5/1850 protest meetng Nat Archves background
Syracuse Sabine, Joseph F. m EurAm bds. Syracuse Hse, S. Salina & E. Genesee;
2 & 5 Townsend Block (w)
1851 JR-commissioner Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Sabine, Mrs. Joseph F.  f EurAm bs. Syracuse House, S. Salina & E. Genesee 1851 JR-conspirator Sperry, etc. ˙˜∫                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Syracuse Sabine, William m EurAm Onondaga Hollow, Seneca Turnpike farmer 1840s-50s abolitionist rally, Liberty Pty. Sabine file, OHA WERM a9/"WEN
Syracuse Salisbury, L.H. m unkn Recess basement, 5 S. Warren;
237 E. Water
grocer 1851 JR-indicted Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Sammons, T. m unkn City Hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Sanford, Joseph m AfAm 1846 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
 from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist of land," 1846 Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Scroggins, George m AfAm Fourth Ward, 40/50 blacksmith 1855 Cen.;
age 25;
b. Canada
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census AfAm fugitive?
Syracuse Sedgwick, Charles B. m EurAm 114 James/5 Hanover Arcade attorney 1848,
1850, 1851
Free Soil convention, 1848; Vigilance Committee;
Loucks, 34; Standard,
Siebert micro;
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Shelton m EurAm attorney 1851 JR-counsel NYTimes, 10/4/51
Syracuse Sidney, Martha f AfAm Eighth Ward, 108/108 1855 Cen.;
age 36;
b. Canada
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Sidney, William m AfAm 179 E. Washington laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Sidney, William m AfAm Eighth Ward, 108/108
owned land
whitewasher 1855 Cen.;
age 35;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Simmons, H. f AfAm 26 Burnett domestic 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Simmons, Henry m AfAm 1853 rec'd land from Gerrit Smith Smith, "Dist.
of land"
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Simon, Soloman m AfAm Second Ward, 356/473 barber 1855 Cen.;
age 38;
b. Cayuga
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Simons, Oliver m AfAm Second Ward com. labor 1855 Cen.;
age 29;
b. Albany
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm. Comm.
Syracuse Smith, A.S. m unkn City Hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Smith, Phoebe f AfAm Eighth Ward, 187/187 1855 Cen.;
age 25;
b. Ont. Co.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Smith, V.W. (Vivus) m unkn 92 Onondaga (work) editor;
Syr-Utica RR
1850, 1851 Fugitive Slave Law mtg.; protest meetng; 
JR-Vigilance Committee
Nat Archves
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Smith, William m AfAm 1859 "a bad man" Sernett, 49
Syracuse Smith, William m AfAm 1846 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
 from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. of land," 1846 Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Snider, Charlotte f AfAm Fourth Ward, 220/253 1855 Cen.;
age 32;
b. Herkimer
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Snow, P.H. unk. unkn 1851 JR-convention Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Soule, E.L. m unkn City Hall President,
11/20/1951 convention of citizens'
opposed to fugitive Slave Law
Syracuse Spencer Thomas m EurAm 5/1850 VP-protest meetng Nat Archves site, background
Syracuse Stevens, W? f AfAm Second Ward, 202/340 1855 Cen.;
age 65;
b. Mass.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Stewart, Harvey m EurAm City Hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Stiles, Ezra m 1843 Liberty Party candidate for
Loucks, 14
Syracuse Storum, Maranda f AfAm Eighth Ward, 279/285
(Caroline Loguen's sister)
1855 Cen.;
age 30;
b. Chautauqua
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Strieby, Rev. Michael m EurAm Syracuse minister, Plymouth Cong. Ch.,
1853-64 helped org. Plymouth Cong., 1853; Jerry Rescue
celeb., 1859
Herald American, 2/8/98; Douglass'
Syracuse Summers, Moses m unkn 90 Willow owner and
ed, Syr.
1851 JR-indicted Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Syracuse House site SE corner Salina and Water St. (now Onbank) 1827, 1839 celebration of end of slavery
in NYS, 1827; Harriet Powell escape, 1839
Syracuse Tappan (Jackson?), Prince m AfAm Second Ward, 202/340 maren-
1855 Cen.;
age 44;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Teall, Oliver m EurAm 77 E. Fayette Pres., Onon. Co. Bank;
Dir., Syr-Utica RR
1850, 1851
AS meeting, 1845;
VP protest meetng;
Loucks, 23; Nat Archves;
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Teetan? Canulan? f AfAm Second Ward, 496/675 1855 Cen.;
age 26;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Thomas, John m unkn bds. 39 W. Genesee (h);
Townsend Bl. (w)
Ed., Carson League; Liberty
Party Paper, 1849-51; Frederick Douglass's Paper, 1851-
1840s ff assisted Loguen, 1840s; Liberty Party paper editor, 1849-51; Fugitive Slave Law mtg., 10/50;
JR-Vigilance Committee;
Chair, Jerry Rescue Comm.,1857; resolutions 1859
Loguen, 380ff,
Standard, 10/1/50,
Sperry, etc.,
site, background
Syracuse Thompson, Diantha f AfAm Fourth Ward, 43/53 1855 Cen.;
age 52;
b. Albany
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm. Comm.
Syracuse Thompson, George m EurAm spoke at anti-Freedom seeker
Slave Law meeting, 1851
British AS
1851 AS lecturer Galpin site of speech
Syracuse Thompson, Isaac m AfAm Fourth Ward, 53/58 laborer 1855 Cen.;
1855 Cen.'
age 24;
b. Jeff
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Thompson, Nancy Ann f AfAm Fourth Ward, 53/58 1855 Cen.;
age 22;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Thompson, Nathaniel m AfAm boards 10 Mulberry laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Thompson, William m AfAm? 158 N. Salina or bds. 56 Catherine (h);
350 Water or 21 Taylor (w)
grocer or
mason or
1851 JR-indicted
Syracuse Thompson, William m AfAm 158 N. Salina 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Thopson?, Angeline f AfAm Fourth Ward, 180/213 1855 cen.;
age 24;
b. Madison
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Thopson?, William m AfAm Fourth Ward, 180/213 dancing
1855 Cen.;
age 31;
b. Jeff.
1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Titus, O.W. unkn linden, near Adams lumber and
salt, alderman
1850, 1851 JR Standard,
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Townsend Block site Water St., South of Clinton Square 1851 Hearing for Jerry Henry Sperry, etc.
Syracuse Trowbridge, Dr. m EurAm 1854 "Hunker" who helped fugitives Standard,
site, background
Syracuse Tucker, J.N.T. m unkn editor 1844 edited Liberty Almanac Loucks, 23
Syracuse Unknown EurAm Syracuse, SW corner E. Genesee and Scott news editor Way station oral tradition event/site
Syracuse Unknown Wirtz Grill (Anchor),
NW corner, E. Fayette and Columbus
Way station oral tradition event/site
Syracuse Unknown Valley Drive at South Avenue
farmhouses where people lived
in slavery
oral tradition
Syracuse Unknown corner South Salina and Kennedy
Frank's Grill, barbershop
Syracuse Van Allen, George m AfAm Fourth Ward, 667/828 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 29;
b. Columbia
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Van Allen, Mary f AfAm Fourth Ward, 667/828 1855 Cen.;
age 32;
b. Maryland
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Van Buren, Abraham m AfAm house E. Genesee cartman 1846, 1851 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
 from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist of land," 1846; 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Van Buren, J. m AfAm 206 Towing Path, E.C. laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Van Buren, John m AfAm Fourth Ward, 41/51 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 69;
b. Ulster
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Van Buren, Susan f AfAm Fourth Ward, 41/51 1855 Cen.;
age 68;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Van Duzen, G. m unkn City Hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Vandenburgh m unkn 5/1850 protest meetng Nat Archves background
Syracuse Vandenburgh, Col. Origen m EurAm Syracuse, bds. Globe Hotel, S. Salina & W. Washington;
7 Malcolm Block (w)

1851 JR-countermanded orders Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Vashon, George B. m AfAm 29 E. Water, upstairs,
boards E. Water
attorney 1851 Sec., Anti-Fugitive Slave
Law mtg., 1/8/51
Relig. Recorder, 1/16/51; 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Vashon, George B. m. AfAm attorney 1851 sec., AS meeting,
Congregational Church;
statement on riots, 12/14/51;convention opposed to fugitive Slave Law
11/25/51, 12/6/51
home, work
Syracuse Waggoner, ? M AfAm Eighth Ward, 183/183 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 56;
b. Herkimer
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Waggoner, Hannah f AfAm Eighth Ward, 183/183 1855 Cen.;
age 55;
b. Ulster
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Waggoner, James m AfAm Eighth Ward, 183/183 1855 Cen.;
age 24;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Waggoner, John m AfAm Eighth Ward, 183/183 1855 Cen.;
age 24;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Waggoner, Maryan f AfAm Eighth Ward, 183/183 1855 Cen.;
age 29;
b. Oneida
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Waggoner, Sarah f AfAm Eighth Ward, 183/183 1855 Cen.;
age 23;
b. Onon
AfAm comm.
Syracuse Wagner, John Jr. m AfAm 1847 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
 from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. of land," 1847 Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Wagoner, James m AfAm Third Ward, 203/289 servant 1855 Cen.;
age 56;
b. Schoharie
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Walker, Jacob m AfAm 224 E. Water laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Wall, C.W. m unkn 11/20/1951 convention opposed to
 fugitive Slave Law
Syracuse Walsh, Paulina M. f AfAm Second Ward, 458/616 1855 Cen.;
age 23;
b. Onon
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Wandall, Edward m AfAm 1/21/1909 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
 from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist. of land," 1847 Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Wandell, Richard m AfAm 1/21/1909 rec'd land from Gerrit Smith Smith, "Dist. of land" Freedom seeker?
site, background
Syracuse Ward, Rev. Samual R. m AfAm Cong. minister, AS lecturer,
editor True American, Impartial Citizen
1851 JR-conspirator,
fugitive from Maryland,
Vice-Pres. Cand., 1850
Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Washburn, R.W. m unkn Business Committee 11/20/1951 convention opposed to fugitive Slave Law Standard,
Syracuse Washington, George m AfAm "preacher" Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
 from Gerrit Smith, 1847
Smith, "Dist. of land," 1847 Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Washington, John m AfAm Lodi? Rec'd land in Hamilton Co. from Gerrit Smith, 1846 Smith, "Dist. of land," 1846 Freedom seeker?
site, background
Syracuse Watkins, (Harriet?) f AfAm bds. 17 Mechanic
(Stephen Porter's res.)
seamstress 1851 JR-dressed J. in women's clothes Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Watkins, Rachael f AfAm Irving, north E. Fayette laundress 1851 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Watkins, Susan f AfAm Irving St. 1851 JR-dressed J. in women's clothes Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Watson, Charles m AfAm Fourth Ward, 180/214 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 22;
ab. Delaware
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Watson, John m AfAm 37 S. Warren ostler 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Watson, Susan f AfAm Fourth Ward, 180/214 1855 Cen.;
age 25;
b. Onon
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Weaver, Julia f AfAm Seventh Ward, 378/466
owned land
1855 Cen.;
age 37;
b. Albany
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Wells, Anna f AfAm Second Ward, 356/47w 1855 Cen.;
age 35;
b. NJ
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm Comm.
Syracuse Wells, Frank m AfAm Second Ward, 356/472 carman 1855 Cen.;
age 60;
b. Miss.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census  AfAm comm.
Syracuse Wells, Miss Mary Ann f AfAm boards 293 E. Genesee 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Wendell, Edward f AfAm house 196 East Water cartman 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Wendell, Richard m AfAm house 54 Ash cartman 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Wesleyan Methodist Church 304 E. Onondaga and Jefferson built 1847 1847- AS church, face carvings Loguen, 363, etc.
Syracuse Wheaton, Charles A. m EurAm S. Salina and W. Water (h);
106 E. Genesee (w)
hardware 1843, 1845,
1850, 1851
Liberty Party candidate for county clerk; AS meeting, 1845;  protest meetings, 5/50 and 10/10; Vigilance Comm.,
convention opposed to
Freedom Slave Law
Loucks, 14, 27; Nat. Archives;
Standard, 10/1/50, 10/7/0
Sperry, etc.;
site, background
Syracuse Wheaton, Horace m EurAm 112 S. Salina
(corner W. Water) (h)
hardware 1850, 1851 VP protest meetng;
Nat Archves;
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Whipple, Arabella? f AfAm Eighth Ward, 218/218 1855 Cen.;
age 24;
b. Virginia
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Whipple, Edward m AfAm Third Ward, 202/288
owner of land
1855 Cen.;
age 26;
b. Va
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Whipple, Edward m AfAm Eighth Ward, 218/218
owned land
laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 25;
b. Virginia
Freedom seeker? 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse White, Hamilton m EurAm E. Genesee and Grape (h) cashier,
Onon. Co.
1851 JR-counsel Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse White, Horace m EurAm 57 E. Fayette (h) Pres. RR;
attorney; cashier Syracuse Bank
1845, 1850
AS meeting, 1845; VP protest meetng;
JR-counsel; gave
rr passes to fugitives
Loucks, 27; Ch. Merrick and A.D. White (Siebert ms.); Nat Archves;
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse White, Thomas G. m unkn City Hall 10/1850,
1851, 1853
Fugitive Slave Law mtg.,
JR-speaker; raised money
10/1/50;Syr. Journal,
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Whitney, C.S. m unkn City Hall 10/1850 Fugitive Slave Law mtg. Standard,
Syracuse Wilkinson, John m EurAm 96 Foot (h), 16 S. Salina (w) Pres., Syr
& Utica RR
1850, 1851 Protest meetng;
Vigilance Comm.,
Nat Archves;
Sperry, etc.
site, background
Syracuse Willard, Irena f AfAm Fourth Ward, 42/52 1855 Cen.;
age 61;
b. Orange
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Willard, John m AfAm Fourth Ward, 42/52 laborer 1855 Cen.;
age 46;
b. NYC
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Williams, Cordy m AfAm 7 Church ostler 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Williams, Corodon? m AfAm Eighth Ward, 279/285
(lives with Loguens)
painter 1855 Cen.;
age 46;
b. NYC
AfAm comm. 1855 Census Freedom Seeker?
Syracuse Williams, Corydon A. m AfAm 1847 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist.
of land," 1847
Freedom seeker?
site, background
Syracuse Williams, John m unkn 1851 JR-Vigilance Committee Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Williams, John m AfAm 1846 Rec'd land in Franklin Co.
 from Gerrit Smith
Smith, "Dist.
 of land," 1846
Freedom seeker?
site, background
Syracuse Williston, C.F. m EurAm cabinet
mayor of Syr.
1840s-50s JR-Jerry worked in shop Sperry, etc. site of cabinet shop
Syracuse Willson, Lewis m AfAm 180 Montgomery laborer 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Wilson, George m AfAm Second Ward ? Trainer? 1855 Cen.;
age 28;
b. Oswego
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Winner, David m AfAm Eighth Ward, 187/187 whitewasher 1855 Cen.;
age 60;
b. Penn.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Syracuse Woodruff, John m unkn Bear & N. Salina boarding
house owner
1851 JR-convention Sperry, etc. site, background
Syracuse Wright, Josiah m unkn 1843 Liberty Party candidate for
Loucks, 14
Syracuse Clark, George W. m EurAm "singer for liberty" Ch. Merrick, etc. site, background
Syracuse Foster, John m AfAm 16 Irving barber 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Syracuse Highgate, Charles m AfAm 32 S. Warren, house 48 Grape hairdresser 1851 AfAm comm. 1851 Syr.
Freedom seeker?
Van Buren Arnold, Susan Hawley f EurAm Van Buren near Camillus way station oral tradition site, background
Van Buren Hawley, Benjamin m EurAm Town of Van Buren near Camillus way station oral tradition site, background
Van Buren Mack, Betsey f AfAm? First election district, 186/186 1855 Cen.;
age 57;
b. Onon.
AfAm comm. 1855 Census AfAm comm.
Van Buren Slater, Thomas m AfAm 1855-6 pretended to be a fugitive Rochester Daily Union, 1/28/56 imposter
Van Buren Weaver, Lyman A. m EurAm 1855-6 way station Rochester Daily Union, 1/28/56 site, background
Gibbs, Leonard m EurAm Washington County attorney 1851 JR-defense counsel Sperry, etc. site, background
Webster, Daniel m EurAm Syracuse, Courier Building U.S. Secretary of State 1851 JR-vowed to enforce fugitive Slave Law Sperry, etc.