New  Stops  along  Syracuse's  Freedom  Trail

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1. Courier Building, East Washington and Montgomery streets:  Site of Daniel Webster's 1851 challenge to the people of Syracuse. More Info
2. Dana Block, Warren and Water streets:  Site of George Vashon's law office. He was first African-American lawyer in New York State. More Info
3. Wesleyan Church, Columbus Circle: Original site of carved faces that may date to mid-19th century. More Info
4. Plymouth Church, 232 E. Onondaga St.: Congregation was very active in promoting the Underground Railroad.     More Info
5. Jerry Rescue building, west of Clinton Square:  William "Jerry" Henry was imprisoned here before his rescue in 1851.More Info
6. William R. and Mary L. Edwards House, 1113 Ashworth Place:  The site suggests the biracial character of much of this pre-Civil War neighborhood.
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7. Robinson houses, 204 and 206 Catherine Street:  Mary Robinson lived next door to Francis Lando, who by the 1890's was the last man living in Syracuse who had once been enslaved. More Info
8. Allen/Schneider house, 35 Catawba St.: Working class African-American household. More Info                    
9. Wandell house, 412 Ash St.: One of many stable African-American families employed in service occupations.More Info
10. Barnes house (Corinthian Club), 930 James St.:  Illustrates the involvement of European Americans in the Vigilance Committee supporting the Underground Railroad.More Info
11. Harriet May Mills house, 1074 W. Genesee St.:  Oral tradition suggests this house was once a safe house on the Underground Railroad.More Info
12. Sabine house, 9 Academy Green: William H. Sabine owned at least one person in slavery. His son invited anti-slavery lecturer William Chaplin to give a speech in the front yard. More Info
From the Post Standard

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